rich grassland
grown east of home
medical herbs
juicy apples
prosper on farmland
lush treasures
wide areas of
ripened wheat stalks
red poppies
grown east of home
medical herbs
The meadow shows a shallow basin that is surrounded by the tallest of pine trees. I wondered if in the rainy season it became something like a shoal pond in the middle, or at the very least it might be waterlogged.
juicy apples
prosper on farmland
lush treasures
Indeed the grass grew long and lush on the rich soil with plentiful of water supply. It is the idyllic place for a picnic and I vowed to bring Mary here as often as she wishes. Will she like the lush iridescent pasture?
wide areas of
ripened wheat stalks
red poppies
morgentau * dawndew
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