two goji berries blush
in a singel bush
meet anew
looking for proximity
after isolation
summer deluge
thick fog weighs heavy
over the shoulder
wild strawberries
border the forest paths
pink moon
June’s full Moon - typically the last full Moon of spring or the first of summer - is traditionally called the Strawberry Moon.
The tradition of naming Moons is rich in history. Here at The Old Farmer’s Almanac, we have long honored the Native American Moon names and the folklore of those who came before us. We follow the full Moon names that were used during Native American and Colonial times to help track the seasons - usually from the Algonquin tribes who lived in the same areas as the Colonists.
The name, Strawberry Moon, originated with Algonquin tribes in eastern North America who knew it as a signal to gather the ripening fruit of wild strawberries. Alternative European names for this Moon include the Honey Moon and the Mead Moon. It has also been called the Rose Moon, given that many roses come to life during this part of the year!
Did You Know: June was traditionally the month of marriages, and is even named after the Roman goddess of marriage, Juno. Following marriage comes the “honeymoon,” which may be tied to this full Moon’s name!
morgentau © dawndew
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